
Too big to manage ?

Jamie Dimon, de J.P. Morgan:

But the success of Dimon and his crew seems to refute the "too big to manage" hypothesis, and in any case, Dimon doesn't buy the whole concept. "In every business, some huge companies are successful and others aren't," he says. To Dimon the rich flow of information from different corners of the bank, like the signal from servicing that warned him about subprime, is a major advantage. "We have a gold mine of knowledge, but you have to manage it well," he says, "so every one of our businesses benefits from it." Other successful models will emerge, but for now Dimon has the best game plan - and don't forget, the best team to go with it.


Sexy sustainability

TED Talks, encore.
Présentation très touchante de Majora Carter sur le développement urbain durable.

Schools Kill Creativity

Présentation TED Talks et autres liens.


Présentation d'un professeur lors d'un TED Talks. Inspiration pour une présentation reçue lors du MBA.

Identity 2.0

Présentation intéressante et belle.

CN dans The Economist

L'acquisition du EJ&E mise en contexte dans The Economist.

A new bill would make it harder for the STB to approve a merger that does any local damage. Some call it nimbyism; others, democracy. [...] The quest for the common good is imperfect, but at least it is noisy.



Entrevue avec Gary Reiner, CIO de General Electrics.

Entrevue avec Rob Carter, CIO de FedEx.

Blog de Stephen Gillett, CIO de Starbucks.

The secret coach

Quelques conseils du guru de management (Google, Apple), ex-coach de football, Bill Campbell:

Think big with talent.
Be honest - and accountable.
Skip the chief operating officer, it's part of the CEO's job.
Invest in the future.
Empower the engineer.


Yes You Can

Les leçons à tirer de l'élection d'Obama.

Being different makes all the difference.
Just because you're different doesn't mean you can't be disciplined.

"The competitor to be feared is the one who doesn't bother about you at all, but goes about making his own business better all the time." (Henry Ford)

This, I Believe

This I Believe is an international project engaging people in writing, sharing, and discussing the core values that guide their daily lives. These short statements of belief, written by people from all walks of life, are archived here and featured on public radio in the United States and Canada, as well as in regular broadcasts on NPR. The project is based on the popular 1950s radio series of the same name hosted by Edward R. Murrow.
(from BizDeansTalk)

Note : Edward Murrow est celui dont George Clooney a fait le portrait dans l'excellent Good Night, And Good Luck.


Beaucoup de choses à dire sur l'élection de Barack Obama. Trop peut-être. Pas trop d'enthousiasme, mais trop de promesses qui reposent sur une seule personne. Alors qu'il est le premier à parler au 'nous'. Un bon petit texte ici qui résume très bien ma pensée.

Ingénieur de son

Je pense que j'aurais bien aimé être ingénieur du son. Mais à voir ce qui s'est passé avec le dernier de Metallica (lien 1, lien 2), on voit bien qu'il n'y en a pas de job idéale.