What do you want your customers to become.
Successful innovators don’t just ask customers and clients to do something different, they ask them to become something different
Ce que les clients peuvent devenir : un projet commun
Tags : job, management
Joseph Facal sur la conciliation travail-famille
Intéressant, comme toujours.
Un jour, j’ai fait le tour de la table du Conseil des ministres et j’ai réalisé que j’étais le seul à avoir des enfants d’âge préscolaire. Remarquez, quand ils entrent ensuite à l’école, les choses ne deviennent guère plus simples.
Tags : questionnement
Myers Briggs
Analyse de la relation entre les résultats Myers Briggs et l'utilisation des médias sociaux.
INTJ : fort Facebook, fort LinkedIn, moyen Twitter.
Mais est-ce que les résultats du fameux test sont vraiment valables ?
Tags : qui suis-je, techno
Trop c'est comme pas assez
Tags : management
Complexité et créativité
One distinguishing difference between leaders that succeed at driving collaboration and innovation versus those that fail is their ability to grasp complexity. This skill set involves framing difficult concepts quickly, synthesizing data in a way that drives new insight, and building teams that can generate future scenarios different from the world they see today. Complexity is a fundamental aspect of collaboration and innovation that eludes many C-suite executives, who often rely on checklists and time efficiency metrics alone.
Not Mulally. As a first step in building his teams’ ability to navigate Complexity, Mulally instituted a ‘traffic light’ system at his weekly management meetings, held Thursday mornings at 7 AM. At these sessions direct reports would indicate their progress on key initiatives. A green light meant all was well, a yellow light that some attention was needed, and a red light that a situation was critical. At his very first weekly session, Mulally’s direct reports showed green lights with just a few yellow lights sprinkled in. Mulally calmly indicated that this could not be possible; the company was in a financial straight jacket and steadily losing market position. He urged them to roll up their sleeves and ask new questions, putting away their boxing gloves. Lots of red lights showed up at the next Thursday morning meeting. By personally modelling candor and a willingness to openly speak about complex, taboo subjects, Mulally built a safe operating environment for his direct reports.
Tags : management
Obama - 25 janvier 2011
"If you want to make a difference ... become a teacher. Your country needs you." #SOTU
Tuft & Needle, une compagnie qui produit des matelas à petite échelle, sans réseau de distribution.
Tags : intéressant
Changements climatiques
Une analyse intéressante et une carte qui en dit long.
Tags : environnement, intéressant
Avoir un plan
Fruit du hasard la participation à la finale de l'Allemagne à la Coupe du Monde ?
Pas vraiment. Plutôt le résultat d'un plan de 14 ans.
Tags : management, politique
Suède - Danemark - Londres - Pologne - Berlin
Du 17 au 28 juin 2014.
Suède - Helsingbord & Markaryd.
Londres, jour 1:
Londres, jour 2:
Tags : voyage