
I was on the wrong path

I was able to largely transform my health and life by changing my mindset and routine and by creating new habits, some of which I will share with you now.
- Have perspective and gratitude
- Meditate and be mindful
- Be aware
- Simplify and follow your purpose

La vie au travail

I left my corporate job and these 8 things became clear:

1. Two things will be the death of us: death and meetings
2. I miss most of the people and none of the processes
3. It's less about being impressive and more about making an imprint
4. All that little stuff really is little stuff
5. Flexibility is intoxicating
6. My presence is more of a present
7. There's no greater pick-me-up than feeling challenged and growing again
8. Your health belongs on a pedestal, period

George Soros

Un portrait intéressant de cet homme.

At the same time, Soros significantly increased his philanthropic spending. Unlike most other big bureaucratic trusts, where decisions are taken by boards, he is personally involved in the discussions about where the money goes. Talking to him, you get the sense he is driven by structural injustices far more than by individual suffering.

Politique québécoise

Une lecture à laquelle j'adhère.

En dehors de son passé récent bien nébuleux, le problème du PLQ se trouve surtout dans la façon dont ses dirigeants ont, ces dernières années, souvent pointé un doigt vers les francophones en parlant de fermeture, de braises de l’intolérance et de nationalisme identitaire.À vouloir toujours garder le vote anglophone et allophone dans son filet, le PLQ s’est petit à petit auto-menotté à une adhésion totale à l’idéologie multiculturaliste canadienne.