
Google VC Fund

Post intéressant sur la mise en place d'un fonds d'investissement de la part de Google. L'entreprise a définitivement de l'argent dans les poches et comme investisseur, je ne sais pas si c'est le hype ou non, mais j'aurais tendance à leur faire confiance pour dénicher quelques perles sur le marché.

The start-up company might be the next you, right? And if it is, you acquire it (presumably, your VC investment deals include first-acquisition rights). And you do so at a price lower than the one it would fetch after taking funding from traditional VCs. Then you bring the Google hive-mind and infrastructure to bear on the start-up’s innovations and bring them to market or use them to enhance your own product and services.

If the start-up turns out not to be the next you, you don’t follow up on your initial investment–saving yourself the grief of a dud acquisition.

Essentially, you transform the emerging technology market into one vast Google Labs from which you have pick of the litter. How’s that for a 20-percent time idea?

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