
Bob: leçons d'un échec

Billet titré Innovation - The Lessons from Bob, qui parle du lancement du maintenant célèbre produit Bob de Microsoft qui était supposé révolutionner le monde des logiciels.

1) Never underdeliver against expectations.
2) Consumers don't care about strategy.
3) A small marketing budget can work wonders.
4) If you start to get feedback from customers that your product is anything but great, don't forget that you only get one chance to make a first impression.
5) Don't be afraid to take risks.
6) Place bets on smart people who push the envelope.
7) Never forget the crucial role influentials play.
8) If it doesn't work the first time, be open to the idea that it might work down the line.
9) Don't be afraid to poke fun at yourself.

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