
Edward Snowden

Cette entrevue donne envie de tout encrypter.


La mode aux jeunes

Deux exemples récents de grosses entreprises qui donnent (toute) la place à des plus jeunes (Burger King et Lonely Planet).

Une nouvelle tendance ?  Des exemples au Québec ?


Ce que les clients peuvent devenir : un projet commun

What do you want your customers to become.

Successful innovators don’t just ask customers and clients to do something different, they ask them to become something different

Joseph Facal sur la conciliation travail-famille

Intéressant, comme toujours.

Un jour, j’ai fait le tour de la table du Conseil des ministres et j’ai réalisé que j’étais le seul à avoir des enfants d’âge préscolaire. Remarquez, quand ils entrent ensuite à l’école, les choses ne deviennent  guère  plus simples.

Mes collègues avaient des enfants déjà grands, ou avaient décidé de ne pas avoir d’enfants, ou avaient des conjointes qui faisaient d’énormes sacrifices, ou avaient de l’aide rémunérée, ou avaient une vie familiale que vous ne souhaiteriez à personne.
Il est certes possible d’avoir des enfants et de faire de la politique à temps plein.
Ce qui est impossible, c’est de se consacrer comme vous le souhaiteriez à l’une ou l’autre de ces deux responsabilités sans que l’autre en souffre.


Suivre les taxis de NYC.
Explications ici.

Myers Briggs

Analyse de la relation entre les résultats Myers Briggs et l'utilisation des médias sociaux.
INTJ : fort Facebook, fort LinkedIn, moyen Twitter.

Mais est-ce que les résultats du fameux test sont vraiment valables ?


Mauvais rebelles vs bons rebelles.

IBM et les Dolphins

Bel exemple de big data.

Trop c'est comme pas assez

Great ads vs laundry list.

Sitting across the table from Steve was Lee Clow, past and current leader of Apple’s agency. Lee crumpled up 4-5 pieces of paper and tossed one to Steve. “This is a good ad,” said Lee, as Steve easily caught it.
Then, all at once, Lee tossed the remaining pile of crumpled balls of paper to Steve and he caught none of them. “That’s a bad ad,” said Lee.

Complexité et créativité

Deux concepts qui vont (peut-être) ensemble.  Voir ce que IBM en pense.
Dans la même lignée que cet article et que la vision d'Alan Mulally chez Ford.

One distinguishing difference between leaders that succeed at driving collaboration and innovation versus those that fail is their ability to grasp complexity. This skill set involves framing difficult concepts quickly, synthesizing data in a way that drives new insight, and building teams that can generate future scenarios different from the world they see today. Complexity is a fundamental aspect of collaboration and innovation that eludes many C-suite executives, who often rely on checklists and time efficiency metrics alone.
Not Mulally. As a first step in building his teams’ ability to navigate Complexity, Mulally instituted a ‘traffic light’ system at his weekly management meetings, held Thursday mornings at 7 AM. At these sessions direct reports would indicate their progress on key initiatives. A green light meant all was well, a yellow light that some attention was needed, and a red light that a situation was critical. At his very first weekly session, Mulally’s direct reports showed green lights with just a few yellow lights sprinkled in. Mulally calmly indicated that this could not be possible; the company was in a financial straight jacket and steadily losing market position. He urged them to roll up their sleeves and ask new questions, putting away their boxing gloves. Lots of red lights showed up at the next Thursday morning meeting. By personally modelling candor and a willingness to openly speak about complex, taboo subjects, Mulally built a safe operating environment for his direct reports.


À 2.25$ la bouteille, le rapport qualité-prix ne peut qu'être bon.


Belle évolution pour ce site.
p.s. de beaux appartements à Amsterdam.


Game 6

Montréal - Pittsburgh, 6e match, but de Cammalleri.

Obama - 25 janvier 2011

"If you want to make a difference ... become a teacher. Your country needs you."


Tuft & Needle, une compagnie qui produit des matelas à petite échelle, sans réseau de distribution.

Changements climatiques

Une analyse intéressante et une carte qui en dit long.


Suivre la livraison d'un colis (from A to B).


Avoir un plan

Fruit du hasard la participation à la finale de l'Allemagne à la Coupe du Monde ?
Pas vraiment.  Plutôt le résultat d'un plan de 14 ans.


Suède - Danemark - Londres - Pologne - Berlin

Du 17 au 28 juin 2014.

Suède - Helsingbord & Markaryd.

Londres, jour 1:

Nice hotel just next to Leicester square.
Friday, drank a few pints at Harp, a great pub close to the hotel.  Crazy crowded with locals only.  Then, good food in Soho. 
Saturday, nice breakfast and walk in Marylebone.
Walk to Oxford street, to Hyde park.  Too commercial.
Walk back to Regent park and bus to Camden market.  CROWDED !!
Bus ride to Kings cross for a nice street food fest.  Beer.
Bus to Shoreditch for a walk.
Bus to Borough for dinner and beer at pub.

Back to hotel through bridges.

Londres, jour 2:
Tube to Notting hill, Portobello road, market.
Walk through Holland park and Kensington (beautiful sunny day).
Bus to Hammersmith - met a family on the bus who told us it was a more affordable area, only 2M GBP for a 3 1/2 - for a walk around and see the Hammersmith bridge.
Overground to Clapham Junction, down to Northcote road.  Great location.
Underground to Whitechapel for a yummy Pakistani dinner in what could have been Pakistan.

Bus back to Leicester square via Covent Garden.

Pologne - Szczecin.

Berlin - Alexanderplatz, Berliner Dom, Altes Museum & Lustgarten, Bode-museum, Brandesburg Gate, Topographie des Terrors, Checkpoint Charlie



Comment rendre plus efficace l'embarquement dans un avion.  Un bel exemple d'optimisation.


Strategic Planning (1973)

Article de Lou Gerstner pour McKinsey.
First, involve the decision makers
Second, reward good strategic decision makers.



Leading in a VUCA world : volatile, uncertain, complexed, ambiguous.
La clé, répondre à la question 'What are we really trying to accomplish ?'.


Économie des USA par ville

Les 6 plus grandes villes représentent 25% du PIB des États-Unis.
Voir la carte complète ici.


Perspectives d'avenir

Un peu dans le même sens que cet article sur defined contributions vs defined benefits, les perspectives d'avenir de Warren Buffett et de l'IQPF ne sont pas trop encourageantes.  Au moins, elles sont réalistes.

The economy, as measured by gross domestic product, can be expected to grow at an annual rate of about 3 percent over the long term, and inflation of 2 percent would push nominal GDP growth to 5 percent. Stocks will probably rise at about that rate and dividend payments will boost total returns to 6 percent to 7 percent.
Why such a different picture than the 10% or 15% suggestions that investment managers often give? Those managers are using overoptimistic approaches.
Retirement advice that indicates that you’ll be fine by just saving 10% of your income starting at age 40 is using unrealistic assumptions, at least from Buffett’s perspective.  Save plenty for retirement, and start saving now.
Quand on fait une planification financière, on devrait utiliser une hypothèse de rendement de 3,75 % pour un portefeuille équilibré, selon l’Institut québécois de la planification financière (IQPF). Tant mieux si votre courtier fait mieux. Mais il ne faut pas se fier là-dessus. 



Japanese whiskey maker Suntory Holdings is buying Beam, in a $16 billion deal that will create an international alcohols conglomerate [...]

Beam's portfolio of alcohols incdudes Jim Beam, Maker's Mark and Knob Creek bourbons, Teacher's and Laphroaig Scotch whiskies, Canadian Club whisky, Courvoisier cognac, Sauza tequila, and Pinnacle vodka. Suntory is the maker of Japanese whiskies Yamazaki, Hakushu, Hibiki, and Kakubin, Bowmore Scotch whisky and Midori liqueur.



Listes 2013

Plus écouté dans l'autobus dans le iPod - Albums

Alt-J - An Awesome Wave
Black Keys - 2 albums
Fiona Apple - Idler Wheel
Karim Ouellet
Portishead - Roseland NYC Live
The Lumineers
The Roots - Undun
The Tallest Man on Earth - Ensemble de l'oeuvre
The xx - Coexist
Vincent Vallières

Plus écouté dans l'autobus dans le iPod - Chansons
DJ Shadow - Six Days (soulwax remix)
Drake - Forever
Egyptian Hip Hop - Rad Pitt
Metric - Breathing Underwater (la track de drum --- beat non-intuitif)
Rural Alberta Advantage - Stamp
The Weeknd - High for This (à chaque atterrissage avec Air Canada)
The White Stripes - Jolene (live)
Tune-Yards - Gangsta

This American Life


Obama vs. Boehner - Who Killed the Debt Deal ? (http://www.instapaper.com/read/268080560)
Joe Biden in GQ on Being President in 2016 (http://www.instapaper.com/read/399845588)
When the Nerds Go Marching In (http://www.instapaper.com/read/339747784)

Michael Jordan Has Not Left the Building (http://www.instapaper.com/read/362266422)
The Oklahoma City Thunder's Fairy-Tale Rise (http://www.instapaper.com/read/349517353)
Montaous Walton Just Wanted to Play Ball (http://www.instapaper.com/read/390146077)
Pitcher Tomohiro Anraku is the future of Japanese baseball (http://www.instapaper.com/read/401644931)
20 minutes at Rucker Park (http://www.instapaper.com/read/422997313)

Technologie / Gestion
Winamp's Woes: How the greatest MP3 player undid itself (http://www.instapaper.com/read/349523238)
Letter to a young programmer considering a startup (http://www.instapaper.com/read/388551679)
Marissa Mayer Biography (http://www.instapaper.com/read/410445356)
All if Fair in Love and Twitter (http://www.instapaper.com/read/421231301)
Tim Armstrong, Patch, and AOL (http://www.instapaper.com/read/427918224)
Saroo's Google Earth Quest : How an Orphaned Boy Found His Way Home (http://www.instapaper.com/read/329177466)

The Making of Pulp Fiction (http://www.instapaper.com/read/362290964)
Jerry Seinfeld Intends to Die Standing Up (http://www.instapaper.com/read/349513939)
Paintballing with Hezbollah (http://www.instapaper.com/read/349513772)
The Paradox of the Proof (http://www.instapaper.com/read/385618872)
If it was a pill, you'd do anything to get it (http://www.instapaper.com/read/382233023)
The Evolution of a First Novel (http://www.instapaper.com/read/379970030)
Imagining Myself in Palestine (http://www.instapaper.com/read/285424490)
The Deliverymen's Uprising (http://www.instapaper.com/read/422999910)
How a Relationship Brought Me Halfway Around the World and Back Again (http://www.instapaper.com/read/416782631)
Inside the World of Double-Crossing Fake Hitman (http://www.instapaper.com/read/431817826)